activebrainYour brain is simply amazing!  It is your body’s primary control center, similar to a circuit breaker in your house.  As long as the breakers are all on, the circuits of electricity are working in all areas of your house.  When a circuit breaker switch shuts off, the lights in your kitchen or bathroom may not work and you have to go to the circuit breaker box to investigate what’s happening to turn the switch back on.  Our bodies are similar.   If something in your brain is short circuited, something in your body isn’t working properly.  When this happens you may experience pain, inflammation, infection, indigestion, allergies, anxiety, low energy…

This work uses muscle testing (kinesiology) to find the circuits that are ‘mis-firing’ and switches them back on so that your brain and body are working together more harmoniously.  The muscle testing reliably discovers where the motor-sensory loop signaling breakdown between the brain and the rest of the body is happening.  A strong muscle going weak while touching specific points of the body, indicates a circuit is ‘mis-firing’.  The circuit is then integrated using a simple method of brain stimulation, thus restoring your brain and body to health and wellness!

Thanks so much for your help today.  I am so impressed with your knowledge and skill.  You have such great compassion, helping others.”

Frequently asked questions:

What is Neurological Integration System(NIS)?

Neurological integration System (NIS) work is really a science-based term meaning to bring balance back into your body and mind.  This work recognizes where the brain and body are and aren’t communicating fully and turns the switches back on so the communication is happening again.  It works on a few premises:  that we have full potential to heal from within; that our inner-connected systems in our bodies are highly intelligent and we listen to that innate intelligence through this work; that I, the practitioner, am only a conduit, a facilitator, that your body and brain are actually reconnecting signals and bringing balance back to your own body.

If my body and brain are doing the balancing, why do I need a practitioner?

In truest form, you don’t need a practitioner for your body to heal itself! When things are out of balance, and you are aware of them, and what to do and how to rebalance your body and systems, this is a wonderful thing!  Yay for you!!!   And, in our world, we have so much happening, that we all need a little assistance from time to time, and sometimes regularly, depending on your life circumstances.  In this case, having a practitioner that can be team with you for your health and wellbeing is super helpful!

What does an NIS treatment look like?

The first appointment is an intake appointment and first treatment, gathering information and asking questions to see your full story and picture of what is happening for you.  Then, using applied kinesiology, or muscle testing, as the indicator for listening to your brain and body, the NIS works to figure out your brain and body neurological signaling or lack thereof and integrates the brain/body connection.  NIS attempts to go to the root of what is causing your symptoms, typically infection, stress, trauma, toxins, emotions, etc.  NIS literally taps into your innate wisdom and initiates the body’s healing response, and resets the autonomic nervous system.

Is NIS similar to massage or acupuncture?  Yes, in that NIS elicits your body’s relaxation response and allows your parasympathetic nervous system to be activated for healing.  NIS restores interference within your brain and body systems to allow your body’s innate healing response to reactivate.

Is NIS safe?  Yes!  NIS is very gentle, non-invasive treatment that is complementary, so can be done with other treatments as well.  No harm can be done with NIS work, because it is tapping into your body’s innate healing system.

Is NIS a stand-alone treatment?  Yes, and no!  It depends on you, your body, brain, mind, what is happening for you!  Each person is uniquely different, so there is no pin-pointed answer for this.  If more than NIS is needed for you, there are other holistic care services that I provide and share with you, including neuro-emotional work, Reiki, wellness education and coaching, Western herbal medicines, and good old reflective listening!  I also make referrals to many of the other community resources who I think would be able to benefit you!  We’re all in this life together and one modality may or may not be what you need in any particular time.

How long does it take before I feel results of NIS?  Good question.  The answer is it depends! Some folks feel results after the first visit and only need 1 or 2 visits. Each of us has unique situations and circumstances in our lives that may need a short amount of time or longer.  Together, we discover the answer to this when we work together.

To learn more about this amazing work based on cutting edge neuroscience research or to schedule an appointment email Susie at  Also check out sites of my teachers, Dr. Bentz, Anacortes, WA, and Dr. Phillips in New Zealand.