My idea of health and wellness is about thriving in your body, mind and spirit, rather than just meagerly surviving in a stressful world.  The more I work in the healthcare world the more I see the system as more of a ‘sick-care’ system.

My philosophy of health and wellness relates to curiosity, research, teaming up with you to figure out what is happening, sharing information so that you can make informed choices in your own life and giving you the care that you want and need most, within my spectrum of holistic care.

We deserve to be healthy and happy human beings, so that we can thrive and live up to our fullest potential!

Enjoy the health and wellness articles that I share with you and let me know if there is a topic you’d like to know more about!

If you ‘d like to schedule an appointment with me please call 360-298-8665 or contact me at