I was recently sharing in my women’s writer’s group. I read from a few books and in one, Barefoot on Holy Ground, by Gloria D. Karpinski, a question appears. “What really brings you rushes of enthusiasm? What if that is God/Goddess inspiring you?” She goes on to say later on the page “the word enthusiasm itself means to be filled with God”. After each of us women read our piece of writing for the day, a question came up about the word “enthusiasm” and its definition. I looked it up in my handy American Heritage Dictionary, and sure enough, you guessed it…the definition “to be inspired by god” appeared before my eyes.
Did you know this? We take our language for granted so oftentimes that we forget the roots and true meaning of words. And, I think we do this to ourselves too.
Do you live with enthusiasm? What brings enthusiasm to you? I feel like a young child looking up into the fluffy white clouds on a sunny day as I marvel at the possibilities this brings. I want to be enthusiastic in everything that I do. I want to be surrounded by all humans, beings, situations, that amazingly live in grace. Passion fills us with what is spoken from our hearts. Now is the time to listen to our hearts and allow ourselves to be filled with wholeheartedness, passion, fervor, enthusiasm.
Globally, our physical world right now is filled with prophecies from varying religions and cultures, the gloom and doom in the media, and the state of affairs that our economy, environment, and humanity continues to be in. We are overusing computers, the internet, cell phones and other technologies, which keep our minds distracted from who we are.
What is deeply within each of us, our internal self, our true essence, what brings us enthusiasm is most important right now, especially in these times of woe and want. Are you being called to something right now? Many are. There is a global consciousness arising and time is of the essence to rise up with the call that we are hearing and allow it to surface.
Give yourself permission to listen, to see the unfolding of your heart come into being. Share your true self with the world. “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for” (Hopi Elder).
Thank you Heather! We love you so deeply and feel sooo blessed and grateful to have you as our Goddaughter! Keep your own enthusiasm shining bright within and out into the world! The world needs you!!!
I love you, Susie
Hi Susie! And Nick if you read this too! Very thoughtful piece. Im feeling very enthusiastic, even more so after reading this. You’ve both taught me so much throughout life. The older I get the more I appreciate it, and you both.
Im so proud to have you both as my God Parents.
I love you!
Thank you Susie for these words and inspiration. I am infused with enthusiasm whenever I hold the thought of the labyrinth in my heart space and I enthusiastically embrace BEING. Working, (well I wouldn’t really call it work), at the labyrinth brings me enthusiasm beyond belief. I enthusiastically co-create this next moment and with this enthusiasm I am looking forward to weeding meditations 🙂 Namaste my friend