Fluctuating Mid-Winter Reflections, February, 2019
With our snowy wintry weather over the last few weeks, my body naturally wanted to be more still. Luckily, I was able to listen and respond for a few days! Then, after a few days of rain and warmer temperatures, the white snowy frozen ground quickly melted to soggy brown mud. The quiet wintry forest recolored with the green evergreen trees, and the agricultural fields once again dominate my view at the labyrinth.
Next, the sunshine almost felt blinding in my eyes after a few rainy days! I was excited for the natural vitamin D and to see my gardens again. At the labyrinth, Holly-leaved hellebore, winter Wild Blue Iris, and violet Heather flowers all said hello, while the purple Grape Hyacinths were close behind to bloom. That day, birds sang loudly and moved about on the ground looking for tiny insects and worms to eat. Geese and airplanes flew overhead. And, I got a surprise visit in my boot that day from a queen yellowjacket! Ouch!
Today, as I finish this entry, I look out of my office window to the rain watering the trees. I have an extra heater turned on to warm my toes and I’m about to make a warm cup of tea on this full moon Tuesday.
What is next for this fluctuating mid-winter weather? This is a good time to gain strength, rest when needed and gather your energy for the new season on the way. Read a good book, write, do art, play music, sing, do something creative.
And, take a labyrinth walk if you’d like during this season, and notice what comes to you, what senses arise within you. Notice any metaphors that surface, plants or animals that speak. Notice your emotions, do they vacillate like the weather? How about your thoughts?
Hi Randall, Thanks for your thoughts and we are happy that you use the labyrinth as part of your restorative medicine. We feel honored to share the labyrinth space!
Hi Kenny! Thanks for reading and sharing your super moon memories! Did you see the spring equinox worm moon last night too?
A walk through the Labyrinth is restorative medicine. I’m thankful for y’all and the other beings who help it be.
Thank you for your lovely reflections Susie!
On my way home tonight, I was fortunate enough to see the beautiful super moon. She is peaking in and out from the clouds.